60 down! Another 60!!!


Ruth, are you mad? No, uhm, maybe a tiny bit.  Even I can’t believe that I’ve just finished 60 boot camp sessions and signed up for another 60! And I’ve even completed the first two of the next block of sessions. The hurting has started again as we’ve been introduced to some new exercises and have a new trainer.  Cool! Or as my son would say, “sick!”

As always, if it’s going to last, it has to be fun.  So when I get up every morning I play a catchy tune to get me in the groove and I then attend boot camp as if I’m going to a rave. So far it’s working.  I’m having so much fun. I never thought I’ll say this, 3 months ago.  But I really do believe you can achieve anything you set your heart to. I’ve set my heart to getting a healthy body so I’m on a mission……..and mission possible!

Rather than do a ‘learn and share’, I thought I’ll do a ‘review and fix’ with this blog. I will be looking back to see what has worked and what hasn’t with a view to moving towards my goal.  I’ll also be revisiting my initial goal to see where I am in relation to it and what I need to tweak to get to target.

Over the last 12 weeks I’ve learned to re-love exercise. My motto has been: ‘80% of success is showing up’. So my aim has simply been to get out of bed with the right attitude and turn up for boot camp.  And once I show up, the rest has been easy! Give it the best I’ve got and I go home feeling the buzz – an endorphin high!!! Oh, goodness, I’m becoming a junkie and it’s free!!!

Interestingly, my body is holding out and getting stronger.  My knees are not hurting as they once did. All those squats actually make my joints stronger. Now I’m in my comfort zone, it’s time to rev it up.  Time to stretch again and become uncomfortable. I don’t do autopilot. Otherwise, I get bored! So time for refined goals to get me focused over the next 12 weeks. When I started out in January, I did my goal map. So it’s time to revisit it and set new goals for the next quarter.

My Goal Map for 2014

My Goal Map for 2014

My main goal is to be 40, fun, fit and fabulous!  My sub goals are to spend more time doing all the things I love which will in turn meaning I am living my purpose – improving my relationship with my Creator, being my best self, spending more time with my son and doing the work I love – enabling mums to enjoy parenting their infants and toddlers.  The interest thing is that the goals are all inter-related.  When I’m my best self, it impacts on all my roles and relationships – I’m a better mum, my clients get the best Ruth and so does my Creator.  When I love what I do in all my roles, I show up.  When I’m at peace with my Creator, I enjoy everything I do.  And when my son is happy then I’m ecstatic and give my best!

It’s also important to focus on the reasons for my goals as it is often the why that drives us.  So my 3 main whys are: Love, Fulfilment and Growth.  I love life and I love me and all of mine: my son, family, friends, clients and most of, my God.  I love to learn.  When I learn, I become fulfilled and grow.  So how is this going to get me to be fit and feel fabulous?

I’m learning so much about me as I get to accomplish my goals.  I’m getting to love exercise and learning to manage my relationship with food.  Food is not the enemy, in fact, good food is a good friend as it nourishes me.  But, overindulgence in food, even good foods can be detrimental to my body.

So, the focus for the next quarter is – Nutrition!  ‘I am what I eat’ so this needs sorting out.  Over the school holidays with going away and my son being at home, my unhealthy eating habits have resurfaced again.  I am no longer consciously eating. Time for a change.  I’ve made a commitment to keep a food diary and e-mail it Cassandra my trainer at the end of each day.  Accountability!!! But it’s also about support and using available help. I’ll also get to see my eating patterns, change them as necessary to get the desired results.

I’ll be focusing on not just what I eat but also the why as this is usually a powerful driver.  Over the next few weeks, I will also be introducing my fitness bucket list.  So watch this space.

Until the next blog, keep smiling and healthy…….

Ruth 2

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