It’s getting tougher!


It’s now week 10 of bootcamp and I’m beginning to get demotivated.  The enthusiasm of starting my weight loss journey is waning and focusing on how long it will take to get to my destination is quite overwhelming. I’m also trying to sort some things in my life and business, whilst studying as part of a research project and feeling like I should put my weight loss journey on hold.

But I’m not going to! Definitely not an option! I will not be sabotaging my efforts and myself this time. I’ve been an expert at that for too long. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. I’ve just got to stir the boat harder in rough seas. So I’m determined to try harder!

Last week I lost 3cm off my waist. Pleased but I could have lost some more. I’ve been feeling the need to snack whilst I study and not on fruits. On plantain chips!!! As I’d been struggling with this for a while, I mentioned it to Cassandra, my bootcamp trainer and she was not having it. Now I’ve agreed to send her a text every evening to let her know that I didn’t snack on junk foods all day. So far, so good. I haven’t sniffed a plantain chip since last Wednesday. How’s that for accountability? So whatever battles you may be facing, take control and get accountable!

I also had my lifestyle check last week and my stats were fine with the exception of my BMI. Work in progress…… So how will I get there? Time for some more learning and a change of mindset.

I’m still struggling with my calorie intake. I know that in order to lose weight, I have to take in less food and move more to expend more energy. Not rocket science!  However, I’m resisting the need to monitor my calorie intake. I’ve been choosing instead to  eat healthier foods. And I am doing that. My diet has definitely improved and I’m very rarely eating out.

However, last week I read a blog about the tendency to eat more when we think we are eating ‘healthy’ foods. I know I do this. I tell myself that I’m having low fat and then eat twice as much as I may have had if I had full fat and then guess what? I’ve consumed more calories!

It’s called the ‘health halo effect’ of so called ‘healthy’ foods. Research shows that if one believes a food is ‘healthy’ they will likely guess it has less calories than it really does, and so called ‘unhealthy’ foods have more calories than they really do.  But if I’m going to lose weight and keep it off I’ve got to shift from thinking ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’ food and start focusing on how many calories are in the foods I eat.

Eureka, Cassandra, It’s finally sunk in!!!

I’ve been resisting counting calories since the start of bootcamp as I don’t want to be counting calories for rest of my life. But it looks like I’ll have to embrace this. Simple maths really.  For weight loss, calories definitely matter. If I eat too many of them, I will NOT lose weight. It does not matter where those calories come from.

If I eat less calories than I burn off then I can eat whatever I want and still lose weight. The key is to eat less than I expend.

So that’s my learning so far, and that’s what I’m doing now. I’ve downloaded my fitness pal app and will be doing an inventory of everything that goes in my mouth. I’m regaining control………..and will keep you posted.

Until the next blog, look after you and yours.


Ruth 2

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