365 Days of Miracles!

Gold quote with mystic background - 1 year 365 opportunities

It’s taken me six months to realise that we’re in 2016! I guess I’m unique. I don’t celebrate the new year on January 1. New year resolutions don’t work anyway! So what matters is that I’m resolved! Who cares that I’m not resolved at the start of the year?

So it’s time to put my stake in the ground. We’re halfway through 2016 and I’m not close to the health and fitness goals set at the start of the year.

I wouldn’t consider myself mediocre, but somehow I’ve been lackluster chasing the dream to get my weight out of my way. Other things have taken priority and pushed this dream to the back burner. So it’s time to wake up and actualise my dream. Enough conversation and a little more action. I must weigh 50kg (Yes, you heard right, 110lbs) less than my current weight by 30.06.2017!

I recently read a book recommended by a very dear friend – The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and found it a fascinating read. Getting up and starting the day strongly. Interestingly, I had practised this habit several years ago and had great success and lost about 5 stone in weight. That was also how I got my book (Tune In To Your Baby- Because Babies Don’t come with an instruction manual) written in 7 weeks by waking up at 4 am to write for 2 hours every day.

If I had previously practised this and succeeded, why did I stop you’re probably asking? Life simply got in the way! My routine changed – I got a new role that required an early start and so I had to leave home earlier. And one of the many casualties of this was my early morning routine.

As I was still achieving in other areas of life, I focused on these areas and neglected my weight. Before long, the pounds piled on and my waistline grew too. Hence, the need to get it out of my way.

Enough looking back. Time to face the direction of travel.

What is going to be different this time? I will use the Miracle Morning approach. I know it works. I will discipline myself to get up every morning at 5 am and start living fabulously as I know I was designed to live.

Watch this space. This year is unique. It’s a leap year and I’m also going to leap forward  to actualising my goal. Here’s to 365 days of living miraculously. Actually, one less as I’ve already made a start.

That’s how I will get my weight out of my way. My way!

Doing it my way

Ruth 2

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