50 Habits

50 Habits

Insanity has been defined as “doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”

As I know I’m not insane and want different results, I’m going to have to start doing things differently. I am a result of my previous habits – the things I repeatedly do. So it’s time for new habits.

This is not going to be easy and if I’m going to make sustainable changes, I have to enjoy it. I have enjoyed the things that I’ve done to  get myself here and that’s why I am still where I am. As such I have decided to make small sustainable changes.

Evidence suggests that it takes about 21 days to form a habit as new neural pathways are created. It’s like a new foot path. As one walks constantly over a new portion of grass, before long a new path is created. If an old pathway is abandoned, before long the grass will regrow and the path will eventually disappear. That’s the easy bit!

How am I going to make it happen? (Ha ha, I read your thoughts!)

Motivational saying that talks about motivation gets you moving, but you need to keep it up and make it a habit

I’m going to adopt 50 habits in 52 weeks!

That way I will have 3 weeks to learn each habit. The reason why many people fail to achieve results is because they try to change many at the same time. So that I succeed I will focus on one habit at a time and ensure that I embed it before adding a new one. A lot of the habits I will develop will be very simple habits. However, because they are simple, often I forget to do them e.g. drinking enough water.

By focusing on one habit at a time, it should be easy to follow through, sustain and build on it! Over the course of a year, I will have developed 50 habits and have so much fun doing so.

I can’t wait to get started. So what’s habit 1, I hear you think?

You’ll just have to watch this space to find out.

I’ll tell you on my next blog!

Doing it my way

Ruth 2

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