5kg lighter!


And it’s not just weight. It’s fat! I can’t believe it! At the start of my programme I invested in weighing scales that measure the body composition. In just 4 weeks, I’ve gained 2% more muscles and lost 3% fat! Wow! I’ve also lost 5kg. I’m ecstatic. The hard work is paying off.

I’ve just about survived the first 4 weeks of bootcamp. It’s still survival, not thriving just yet. Unfortunately I did not attain my goal of attending all first 20 sessions. Last Wednesday (session 18), half way through the session, I experienced sharp pain in my abdomen. At first I thought it was a stitch, but it appears that I’d strained an abdominal muscle. I’d been trying my hardest to keep up with everyone in the class forgetting that I’m twice as heavy. My abdominal muscles revolted. They went on strike! There was no negotiating with them. It was scary because it brought memories of the calf muscle tear I sustained 2 years ago. But I’m a big girl. I can handle it. Besides, my past does not determine my present or future. So I must soldier on. I’ve taken 2 days off and had a deep tissue massage on Thursday. The masseuse at the The Deep  Tissue Massage Company was fantastic. Although the massage was painful, today I feel like my muscles have been rejuvenated, ready for more action next week.

It’s all learning…….My learning from the experience is to ensure that I warm up thoroughly and stretch before exercise and cool down and stretch some more after exercise. That’s my goal for this week.  I must also remember that it’s my journey. No comparison with anyone else. I once read a quote “80% of success is just showing up!” So I’ll show up and give it my best shot which will sure add up to more than 100%! It’s amazing how bootcamp has forced me to sort my diet out. When you work so hard  in the cold and rain, you definitely think twice before putting anything in your mouth!  I’m now eating consciously and carefully considering everything that goes into my mouth. I’m also enjoying cooking healthy meals, quite therapeutic. Just 3 months ago, I didn’t have time to make meals and used to live on take-aways or eat out. I’d skip breakfast or grab a McDonalds breakfast or lunch. I couldn’t even be bothered to get out of the car. So it had to be a drive-thru. On my way home, I’d order a take away, eat, watch TV till late and go to bed. The take away shops even knew my first name because I was a regular. How sad? No wonder I piled the pounds on.

But it’s the new Ruth on a mission. My Best self! So that’s history.

Last Monday, I rejoined Weightwatchers because they’ve recently introduced the new Simple Start. I’d never been a fan of Weightwatchers because of the points system. I found it exhausting calculating points. But with the Simple Start, there is no weighing or measuring. It’s just filling yourself with healthy foods. Above is a picture of the big wok of stir fry vegetables I made last  Wednesday with no oil. Just veg with lean proteins to help feed my muscles. And it tasted nice after I spiced it up the African way, ah fiery! I love colours, so I’ll make sure I use as many different coloured vegetables as I can when cooking and am  enjoying feasting my eyes as I nourish my body. Evidence suggests that it takes about 21 days to form a new habit. So I’ll be introducing a new healthy habit every week. In just 52 weeks I’ll have formed 50 healthy habits. Can’t wait!!! The first 3 weeks was learning to enjoy regular exercise, week 4 was healthy eating and this week, it’s ensuring that I stretch and warm up before and cool down and stretch some more after exercise. I’ll also be treating myself to more deep tissue massages. Checking out now, until next time………

Doing it my way

Ruth 2

2 thoughts on “5kg lighter!

  1. Ruth you are a star and a true hero. Well done you have started a fight of your life, for your life, for life. You are going to enjoy the energy you get from training, the motivation u get from losing weight and u will get stronger. Physically and mentally from all the challenges u will meet on the way and conquer. Best if all girlfriend you shall enjoy shopping fir sexy clothes. Keep up the good work and I keep in touch. Well done

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