Hooray, my first blog!

My Goal Map for 2014

My Goal Map for 2014

I’ve finally made a start! I was beginning to run out of patience with me. Apologies to those who’ve been waiting a while for me to start this blog. Many thanks for your patience. Thanks to the lovely ladies at the Damsels in Success Bexleyheath (The Bexleyheath Babes) for enabling the process. I kept my word! Proof of the power of accountability!

As you can see, I turned 40 and didn’t get to my goal. I suppose life got in the way in 2013. But I’ve now decided to move it out of my way, along with my weight. So my mission for the year is to be 40, Fun, Fit and Fabulous. As such I’ve designed a goal map to engage the help of my subconscious. I’ve got it pasted on my bedroom ceiling, so that’s the first thing I see in the morning to remind me of my mission. It’s keeping me focused.

At the start of the year, I signed up to a 12 week bootcamp programme – 60 1-hour bootcamp sessions with The London Bootcamp Company. I started the programme on the 20th January. Cassandra – the bootcamp instructor is fab. If she can make me get out of my bed to be out in the cold and rain at 06:30 am, she must be! Can’t believe how disciplined I’ve been. Some mornings I wander if all is alright with me as I make my way to the sessions. But I know I’m fine, I’m just on a mission. I’ve had enough of neglecting my body and leading a sedentary life. My body has a lot of catching up to do.

By the end of week one on the programme, after 5 sessions, I couldn’t move without being in pain. Literally every muscle in my body was aching – muscles I never knew I had! I was popping Nurofen like smarties. Despite the pain to date I haven’t missed a session. Great achievement for me. The last 3 times I paid for personal training sessions, I didn’t complete the programme although the last one was due to injury. By the end of the second week (ten sessions), I had lost 12cm from my waist and 9cm off my thigh. At this rate I’d have disappeared by the end of year.  The last 3 weeks have been great fun as I continue to push through the pain. I’ve not done as many squats and lunges in my life as I’ve done in the last 3 weeks. They say “no pain no gain”. I say “no pain, no loss!”

So the journey continues…… I’ll keep you posted.

2 thoughts on “Hooray, my first blog!

  1. Well done Ruth!

    Most people procrastinate on making healthy lifestyle changes. My company targets ladies just like you, to show you exercise can be fun and goals can be achieved :). Thank you for your kind words, let’s me know that I am doing a good job, and upholding the company ethos.

    This blog is another step for you; documenting your experiences will give you opportunity to look back and see how far you’ve travelled.

    Keep at it, the results are obvious and I’m very proud of you 🙂 x


    • Hi Cass,

      Thanks for your support. I’ve done enough procrastinating. Time to get real. I’m gradually learning to love outdoor exercise. Thanks for journeying with me.

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