I need your help!

Healthy Fit Diet Activity Sport Lifestyle Purpose Concept

In my last two blogs I focused on my what (lose 50kg – 110lbs) and when (by 30.06.2017). This blog will focus on my why – the reason I want to achieve this feat.  Simon Sinek the author of Start with Why argues that people will believe in one’s idea if they are given a reason to. Hence the focus of this blog especially as I really need you on my side.

As long as I can remember I have been big.  Big in every sense of the word – big girl, big feet, big boned, big heart, big dreams, big vision.  Plus big eyes, big nose, big hands and big mouth to see, smell, touch and eat big food.

Haha!  I’m Nigerian, we don’t do small!

Besides, I use my senses well and love to feed my gut.  I’m intuitive – I’ve always got a gut feeling!

I was also a big baby with a big head. You just have to ask my mum, but I’ll warn you. If you choose to ask her about my birth story, make sure you have big time and big ears to listen.

Story of my life, I’ve always been big!

I love my bigness and it has never held me back!

So why am I embarking on this journey? (Aah, I read your mind!)

The word "Why" written in vintage wooden letterpress type.

It all started in pregnancy.  Halfway through pregnancy I was hospitalised and never made it home again until after my baby’s birth. Yes you heard right! I was incarcerated in hospital for 5 long months!  Solitary confinement!  And I had only attended hospital for a routine 20-week scan that should have lasted only 20 minutes.

Little did I know how my life was going to change! From almost losing my baby, to pre-eclampsia, to premature birth, to my baby’s stay on neonatal unit, to a relationship breakdown in pregnancy to single parenting through the many challenges I have faced until now; I have been supported by many charities. So I feel the need to raise funds for the charities that have kept me standing especially when I felt at my lowest. Being a big child, I also want to support other big children to get fit and remain healthy.

But I need your help to do it! The mission is to raise £12,000 for 6 charities. (See lbs lost = £s gained page)

For every pound I lose, I want to raise pounds and would like you to commit to donating as little as 10p per pound lost.  This will be a great feat but I know I can count on you to achieve it.

So let’s begin with my starting weight – 18stone 4lbs

Yes, I hear you! I carry it well.  But not for long.

It’s a big weight, but that just means big money.  Let’s achieve this marmot task together.

I know I can count on you!

Let’s do it together . . . .


Doing it my way

Ruth 2


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