Keep on Moving!

Habit 1

Wow! My muscles needed to hear this today. Muscles I never knew I had!

I’ve been doing 2-3 aqua sessions a week as I love exercising in water to great music. It often feels like rave, jumping and dancing in the water. But today was different! Our regular instructor was on holiday and so we had a replacement. The lady looked super-fit and took the class like she was on probation and had to prove she deserved the job.

5 minutes into the class, I was panting thinking “Lord, this woman is going to kill us!”
But I didn’t die!

It felt like she read my thoughts as she gave me a stern look as if to say “I’ve got my eyes on you! No escaping!”

I found a surge of energy from somewhere and thought “Ruth you best keep on moving! There’s no stopping now!” And continue I did.

Throughout the class the instructor would count down to 2 and then go back to 8. I’m like Lord, I’m going to die! It also looked like the clock wasn’t moving! Every time I looked at the clock only a couple of minutes had gone. But my body felt more like 10.

I didn’t stop even though I had to reassure my muscles periodically that they wont die and it’ll be worth it. I kept moving.


About halfway into the class, I got a dose of endorphins. About time too! I was now on a high! I started to enjoy the class and before I knew it we were stretching. I finished the class and wanted more!

The instructor  definitely worked us hard but I’m glad I stuck it out. You see that’s what happens when you keep on moving and push through pain. The pain doesn’t last and you come out feeling stronger.

And that’s my determination!

To keep on moving.

I’m not going to stop now.

I’ve got a long way to go. Step by step, day by day, mile by mile, I’m going to keep plodding on because there’s no stopping me now!

I’m going to get to my destination and enjoy every bit of the journey including the pain.

Doing it my way

Ruth 2

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