

Finished week 6 of bootcamp!  That’s 30 bootcamp sessions and I’ve only missed 4 sessions due to injury and the half-term break.  I’m amazing myself everyday.  I can’t believe I’m beginning to enjoy exercising. Did I just say that?  I need my head checked!

No pain in my abs, yippee! I’ve been warming up before exercising and religiously stretching before and after each session. My learning from this – I’ve got to listen to my body and work with it! If I want the best from my body I’ve got to look after it.

At bootcamp, we’re doing more cardio and feeling my heart racing more and even starting to break out in sweat in the cold. Hard work, but fun with the lovely ladies I’m training with. And it’s paying off. Lost another 5cm off my waist and 2cm off my thighs.  A total loss of 17cm from my waist and 11cm from my thighs.  At this rate, I’ll soon have vanished!

Two weeks ago was half term, so I got to chill out with my wonderful 9 year old son. We went away for a long weekend and I enjoyed being a mummy and loved every bit of it. Since returning from the break, it’s been a struggle with my diet. I’m fine at breakfast and lunch but struggling with evening meals. The fridge is full of healthy food but I just don’t want any of it.  I’m having very strong cravings for plantain chips. I feel like I’ve been very good all day and I deserve a treat. And I can’t concentrate until I have it. So I succumbed to it on Monday and this is now becoming a bad habit. I’ve had a bag of plantain chips every evening this week. And for some strange reason, I don’t even feel guilty. It’s a pattern I definitely do not want! So I’ve got to lose it and lose it fast.  So I thought I’ll try some reframing.  I keep wanting to “treat” myself. But what actually is a treat? It’s something that gives you great pleasure.  But do the treats have to be foods?  Why do I have to derive pleasure from eating unwholesome foods?  What if I could derive the same pleasure from wholesome things?  It’s all about perspective.  So my goal for the next week is to see bootcamp and eating nutritious foods as my new treats.  No more plantain chips! Corner shop man, you’ve been fired!

I’ll let you know how I get on.

Adios, for now……


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