lbs Lost = £s Gained

Let’s raise money together.

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Above is my progress bar.  I would love if you can commit to donating money for each pound I lose.  The pounds lost will add up to pounds for good causes.  You can donate a little as 10p per pound that I lose.  You won’t have to pay any money until I get to my target weight.

Please click on the link below to complete the form to state how much you wish to donate per pound lost.  I will send you a monthly e-mail to provide you with an update about my progress.

Below are the charities the funds raised will be donated to.  These are charities that I’ve greatly benefited from.  Click on each logo to learn more about each charity.

The total amount raised will be split equally between all the charities.

apec bliss gingerbread

Please enter your details below if you wish to make a donation:

Name (required)

Email (required)

Please state how much you are willing to donate to charity per pound lost:

N.B. you won't have to pay until I get to my target weight.

I would like monthly updates about your progress