I’m Back with A Boom!!!

Wow!  I’ve resurrected this blog! My mission has not been accomplished so it’s time to actualise my dream and this time, I’m putting a time limit on it! 365 days! Relentless effort until I get my weight out of my way! I’ll tell you how I re-energised my goal. Yesterday, I completed my first ever […]

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60 down! Another 60!!!

  Ruth, are you mad? No, uhm, maybe a tiny bit.  Even I can’t believe that I’ve just finished 60 boot camp sessions and signed up for another 60! And I’ve even completed the first two of the next block of sessions. The hurting has started again as we’ve been introduced to some new exercises […]

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It’s getting tougher!

It’s now week 10 of bootcamp and I’m beginning to get demotivated.  The enthusiasm of starting my weight loss journey is waning and focusing on how long it will take to get to my destination is quite overwhelming. I’m also trying to sort some things in my life and business, whilst studying as part of […]

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