This is it!

I feel like Michael Jackson saying this. This really is it!

I’m half-way through 2017 and it’s time to review the year to date.

It’s been an amazing year!

A year of awards, similar to 2014 when I was conferred with four awards.

But this time, six months into the year, I have been conferred with four awards, which makes me so excited especially because I totally love what I do:

being ‘with woman’ when she feels she needs me most



In May 2017, I was conferred with a Fellowship of The Royal College of Nursing and received a recognition award from The Women4Africa 2017 Awards.

Royal College of Nursing Fellowship Award


Women4Africa 2017 Recognition Award

In June 2017, I received an award from The Nigerian Nurses Association (UK) for the impact I have made to the profession.

I was also notified that I am a We Are The City Rising Star Champion.



Although totally ecstatic,  I am also quite disappointed as I review my 2017 goal map.

That’s because, my weight is still in my way.

I have not lost a pound in weight so far, this year.

So, it’s time to focus and in order to achieve what has been achievable up until now.

It’s time to be fat-free!

They say:

On Friday 30th June, I decided to get my baseline weight in front of fellow Queen’s Nurses.

OMG, I’ve totally lost it!

It was scary!!!  But I needed accountability!

So my starting weight is 121.5kg.  Wow! I hear you say.

I feel the same way.  And so do my joints.  But not for long.

This mission has officially started.

In 52 weeks, I will be 52 kg lighter.  Woohoo!  (Biting my fingernails)

Yes I will weigh 69.5kg!        Yay!

And I will be raising money as I do it.

I will be raising money for 7 charities that are making a difference to many and I am very passionate about.


Here’s why these charities mean so much to me.


In pregnancy, I was hospitalised for 5 months and developed pre-eclampsia, which resulted in the premature delivery of my baby.


My premature son had to spend several days ventilated in the neonatal intensive care (NICU)


I am a single parent and have received so much advice and support from Gingerbread over the years.


In 2012, I was conferred with the Queen’s Nurse (QN) title from the Queen’s Nursing Institute; and in 2015, I received a Fellowship from the Institute of Health Visiting for the contribution I have made to community nursing and to women and their children.

These two organisations have been a source of continuous professional support where I get to regularly have my professional saw sharpened by like-minded specialist nurses that are all making an immense difference to the lives of children and families.


I have always wanted to make a contribution to children in the continent I originated from, Africa.

A dear friend of mine, Dr Joan Myers OBE, has a children’s home where she supports vulnerable and orphaned children in Kenya.




My mission is to


There is an African proverb that says: It takes a village to raise a child.

In my over 22 years as a nurse, midwife, health visitor and parenting coach, and from personal experience as a parent, I’ve found that it takes a village to raise a mama, to raise a child.

So the 7th charity that I will be raising funds for is my charity: The Village For Mama which will be supporting women when they feel they need help most.

I’m so excited!

In a year’s time, I will be holding a charity dance to celebrate my weight loss achievements.

So save the date





We’ll be having a ball together in 52 weeks, where I plan to be 52 kg lighter.

I’d love you to be there to celebrate my accomplish.

In the interim, I’d love you to pledge your support for me by committing to donating some money per pound of weight loss.

Pledge a donation and I will keep you posted about my progress.

Let this journey begin!

I’m doing it my weigh…………….

Much love,


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